Wings Corporation was founded in 1948 in Surabaya. The type of this company is Ltd. Wings corporation have a relationship with Lion corporation of Japan. They produce Brands such as Ciptadent, Mama Lemon, Emeron, and so on. More developments rapidly took place which led to the birth of their second factory, P.T. Sayap Mas Utama, in Jakarta. These facilities produce toilet soaps, powder and bar detergents, floorcleaners, fabric softeners, and sanitary napkins for all of Indonesia and beyond. A third facility, P.T. Lionindo Jaya, was established in Jakarta together with Lion Corporation of Japan to produce brands such as Emeron, Page One, Ciptadent, and Mama. Their products include shampoo, shower gel, skincare products, toothpaste, and dishwashing liquid. After five years, these brands have succeeded in capturing a significant marketshare in Indonesia.
Wings Corp. has a solid background in and mastery of chemistry and research. Capable of developing existing products in accordance with market trends. Responsible for selecting and applying raw materials acceptance standards and planning production processes that are capable of efficiently producing high-quality goods. Capable of designing appropriate packaging in accordance with function. Collaborating with the Marketing, Production and Logistics and other Departments.
The facts are, now they become one of the biggest company in Indonesia with all their products and their new innovations.
Working in harmony and unity, adopting a consultative approach to decision-making, maintaining a high level of professionalism, offering customers the best quality and value - these are the beliefs that have provided the foundation upon which the success of WINGS was built and sustained
14 komentar:
Hi, Dimas!!!
I give my opinion for U:
1. Your blog is very nice.
2. Your presentation is very completely.
I think enough. Thank you.
hi dimazz.....
how are you....?
In my opinion,your presentation about wings was good...and nice!!
You can speak english well....
thank you....bye.....
Haiii.....elephant foot
I hope you find today
I am sorry because I can't give a comment about your presentation
hi... i think you'r opinion is good, so i agree you can make a good blog, c u...
Nice to see you, boy...
how are you..?
I want give you a comment about your presentation yesterday. I think your presentation was good and attractive...
"Hidup Mie Sedaap!!!"
Alright, that's my opinion. Hope you will enjoy your holiday tommorow...^_^
See you,Friend...!!
Thanks for your opinion in my blog...
After you said that Sony Corp is the best electronics company....It's so my new knowledge's....but I think every companies have a markets, so I think depend on this marketing strategies.
And in my blog I want to give informations that LG is a good electronics company too and LG have a dreaming to be a leading electronics company like Sony Corp.
Thanks Dhimas....I'm wait your opinion again about me or my company profile about LG....bye2x....
I think, Toyota will always follow the development's era, and it will create some new product as market. Toyota knows what it's customers want, it will be done by doing some survey or observation.So, Toyota won't leave from it's competitors.Toyota will do the best for selling it's products and still being exsist in global market.Now, Toyota tries to create new product, and forwords to be succesfull.and still keep the nature, and don't make damage polution.
Hi Dimas!
Thank you for your opinion for me about my company.
See U...
Hi Dimaz..
Thanks for your comment in my blog
As I know, Coca Cola is the biggest company for beverage and has good seller too. It can be improved by develop of the products every years. If they didn't good in sell, I think they can't make a various in their product. . .
That's my answer...
And my comment for your blog is nice, teach me about it. . .
hoe.... dimzz
your opinion is very good
no mistake
thank you dim
Thanks for your lively presentation, Dimas. :-)
Thanks also for your good posting.
Now you can go on to the next topic "products and prices".
Please compare them with Indofood's products and prices.
hi, Dimas
can you give me more explaination about mie sedap,,
why mie sedap can became the favourite menu of indonesia society and can you give a special "ReSep" of mie sedap???
Hey man,
Where is your "product and price" posting?
I'm sorry sir.. I am still find more about Mie Sedap because I have a problem to find specification of Mie Sedap....
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